Experience of CEO - ron mclagan
I have lived on Kings Court, Clifton Park,NY since 1987 where I built a
new home with customers as neighbors. The design-build process involved sitting down with each buyer
and listening to their needs and wishes. I drew preliminary sketches and then worked with an architect to develop the
final building plans. The result was 16 homes of differing styles but with a common construction philosophy and
business ethic established many years earlier in my life. As a low volume custom builder, I have a group of tradesmen
who enjoy working with me (some who were employees at an earlier time, some that are second generation craftsmen whose fathers worked
for me). I have built in various subdivisions where larger builders have sold me their extra lots. I have developed
and built in smaller subdivisions as well as building on individually owned properties. All the homes have
exceeded the energy code requirements when built.
New Construction
The use of renewable energy helps make a home more energy efficient.
Solar thermal was utilized at 12 Kings Court. I designed and built a passive solar swimming pool enclosure
with an active solar pool water heating system (1991-2). The passive solar gain reduced the total house heating
costs by 15%. The pool area in winter was no less than 40°F and as high as 85°+F. Eight motorized skylights
remove unwanted heat in summer and deciduous trees provide additional control of solar gain to ambient temperatures.
My second home, at 14 Kings Court, has radiant heat technology built into some
areas, as well as pre-installed piping from the attic down to utility room, for future solar heating equipment.
I have been called upon to testify as an "expert witness" in several
court proceedings for attorney Louis-Jack Pozner, Albany, NY. These involved residential construction problems that
were not easily resolved. I was complimented by one judge for being able
to clarify the issues so that all sides understood.
R. McLagan, Inc., 14 Kings Court, Clifton
Park, NY 518-383-2421